Amarillo's Closed Denny's Location Wasted No Time
Amarillo's Closed Denny's Location Wasted No Time
Amarillo's Closed Denny's Location Wasted No Time
This past year has been really tough on restaurants here in Amarillo. There have been several that have closed. There have been some that temporarily closed for remodeling, which is not all that bad once they open. The stretch of being closed can cause some concerns for the employees.
Tri-State Fair In Amarillo Kicks Off With Celeb Goat Milking
Tri-State Fair In Amarillo Kicks Off With Celeb Goat Milking
Tri-State Fair In Amarillo Kicks Off With Celeb Goat Milking
Next year, plan to make it out for the goat milking contest. It happens at noon, and if you plan just right, you can hit some of your favorite fair food spots and have lunch watching us all try our hand, no pun intended, at goat milking.

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