School Lockdown: Man With Arrow Arrested After Refusing to Leave
The Amarillo Police Department was able to stop a situation at a local elementary school.

On Tuesday, February 1st, the Amarillo Police Department was called out to Southlawn Elementary School. A man was trying to get into the elementary school. Those witnessing this man trying to enter the school believed that he was armed with a knife. This man was asked to leave the school property but refused to leave.
As a precaution, Southlawn Elementary was locked down until APD could arrive and asses the situation and investigate. Police officers were able to locate the suspect, Jerrico Fjetland. The 21-year-old male was located locked out of the school in the foyer. He was in possession of a arrow. Police officers placed Fjetland under arrest. He was chared with Criminal Tresspass on School Property and booked into the Randall County Jail.
What the heck?
When situations like this happen that's what you ask yourself? Maybe it's that question or maybe it's in another form. What was this man thinking? Is he mentally ill? Was he trying to gain access to his child? Was he under the influence of something? These are answers we don't have at the moment.
Thankful for our school leaders and APD.
Here's what we need to be thankful for, the quick thinking of the school officials. They do their best to keep our kids protected because you never know what is going to happen and what is going to happen. Their main priority in a situation like this is to keep our children safe. Plus, our Amarillo Police who put their life on the line daily to keep our community safe.
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