Hostess Or Little Debbie? The Big Question And More From The Erwin Pawn Tradio Show
Buying, selling and discussing the differences between Hostess and Little Debbie was how I spent my Saturday morning, from nine to noon.
There isn't much in the world sweeter than a morning of bringing buyers and sellers together during The Erwin Pawn Tradio show. A Twinkie, maybe?
For the uninitiated, EPTS is want ads on the radio and it's totally free to play. All you have to do is call. And we ask callers an important question before they list their items or make their request.
With news this week that Hostess had entered Chapter 11 and put the future of Twinkies in doubt we had to know; is your preference Hostess or Little Debbie?
Hostess has a vast lineup of products. Not only do they bring you Twinkies but you know them for Ho Hos, Suzy Q's, Ding Dongs, Sno-Balls, and Zingers. Yes, Dolly Madison makes Zingers but Hostess owns Dolly.
Little Debbie has an equally impressive lineup with Nutty Bars, Pecan Spinwheels, Fudge Brownies, Star Crunch, and Oatmeal Creme Pies being the heavy hitters.
EPTS listeners preferred Little Debbie by a wide margin, 28-8. My favorite and a frequently describe favorite is the Oatmeal Creme Pie. I could live off those things.
And for you Twinkie-heads don't fear! Little Debbie makes a very similar sponge cake called Cloud Cakes. I haven't seen any but I've been looking.
This weeks special Rule #6 was an old idiom that most of us know. Each week we start the show off with the rules and Rule #6 is usually inspired by something that happened to me during the week. This week it was the night before.
My significant other had a migraine Friday night. Katilyn G., my daughter stopped by the house. She was having boyfriend issues.
So there I was on a Friday night, pin balling in between the most significant women in my life unable to do anything of use for either of them. And not able to enjoy myself otherwise.
See you next week for another Erwin Pawn Tradio Show!
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