Trade-A-Thon Does Not Like The Cold
It was cold Saturday but Trade-A-Thon was hot.
Saturday mornings on News Talk 940 we bring you Trade-A-Thon presented by Damron’s Pawn. It’s your opportunity to list for sale whatever you no longer want, except guns and ammunition. That’s what Damron’s Pawn is for.
We ask all our callers a poll question before they give their listing. It helps us get to know them better and provides a theme that ties together all our calls. With the unseasonably late hard freeze we got Saturday morning, the burning question on my mind was related to this year’s now disappointing outlook for fruit in the area.
Do you have fruit trees?
No 21
Yes 10
Unfortunately those with fruit trees won’t be getting much more fruit this fall than the folks without trees.
We have five rules of conduct that govern the show and we go over those at the beginning of each hour. I also include a special Rule #6 that changes every week. It is usually inspired by something that has happened to me over the previous week.
For reasons I don’t understand, cold weather has been making me angry. Yelling, cursing, screaming angry. I do realize it is silly to do so, although I can’t seem to help myself.
RULE #6 Getting angry at the cold is irrational.
See you this Saturday for another Trade-A-Thon!