Texas Singles Say Fast-Food First Dates Are Good First DatesTexas Singles Say Fast-Food First Dates Are Good First DatesFind out why Chick-fil-A is the go-to spot for Texan lovebirds - love can bloom over fast food!GrizzGrizz
Catch Free Halloween Movies at Scene One Inside Westgate Mall – Perfect for a Spooky Family Outing!Catch Free Halloween Movies at Scene One Inside Westgate Mall – Perfect for a Spooky Family Outing!Looking for a fun, free, spooky, movie experience for the family? Here's the place. Lori CroffordLori Crofford
Do You Remember This Iconic Texas Landmark In 2010's Predators?Do You Remember This Iconic Texas Landmark In 2010's Predators?From now on, I'm going to have to pay better attention to what's happening in the background when I watch a movie.CharlieCharlie
Here are 13 of the Best Shows Set in the Great State of TexasHere are 13 of the Best Shows Set in the Great State of TexasSome of these definitely express a traditional Texas vibe. But some of these may surprise you as they did us.Tara HolleyTara Holley
Is Hollywood Moving to Texas, too? New Studios are Being Built in Dallas, TexasIs Hollywood Moving to Texas, too? New Studios are Being Built in Dallas, Texas"The project, which has a starting cost of $70 million dollars, will have 'clusters' with sound stages and mill spaces, hotels, restaurants, coffee shops, and retail."Tara HolleyTara Holley
Unlimited Movies and Popcorn Await You at Cinergy’s Box-Office BingeUnlimited Movies and Popcorn Await You at Cinergy’s Box-Office BingeLet's face it, with the rising cost of everything, going out and enjoying a movie is an expense that gets cut from the budget.Lori CroffordLori Crofford
My Name is the PPHM I Bring You Movies Now You Must WatchMy Name is the PPHM I Bring You Movies Now You Must WatchIf you're looking for some family fun that doesn't cost money then the PPHM has some fun for you.Lori CroffordLori Crofford
Starlight Cinema Bringing Free Movies in the ParkStarlight Cinema Bringing Free Movies in the ParkIt's summer! This means so many fun family activities, and the best thing about fun, family activities, is when they are free!Lori CroffordLori Crofford
Have You Seen These Incredible Movies and Tv Shows Filmed In The Texas Panhandle?Have You Seen These Incredible Movies and Tv Shows Filmed In The Texas Panhandle?Here are a some of the Movies and TV shows filmed right here in the Texas Panhandle.JordanJordan
Need To Set Clocks Back One Hour For Drive-In Killer This WeekendNeed To Set Clocks Back One Hour For Drive-In Killer This WeekendHere's your reminder to set your clocks back an hour this weekend.CharlieCharlie