One of the first things I learned when I started working in downtown Amarillo was that there were tunnels connecting different businesses in the area. They did come in handy. I would use the tunnels in my building to walk in the winter months.
To say it's been a challenging week for Happy State Bank is an understatement. The merger that was first brought to public attention in September of last year finally made its way to customers.
Lemonade Day has been a part of the Amarillo community for a few years now. It's a great day that kids learn all about starting and running a business. What better way to learn than by opening up their own lemonade stand?
When life gives you lemons you make lemonade. Right? I mean one family did just that figuratively and well literally. Last week there was a big Lemonade Day Expo at the West Texas Enterprise Center.
People in our area have a love hate relationship with Toot n Totum's. They either really love them or would rather push their car across town to get gas. I fall in the later category.
Over the weekend seems like a great time to accomplish some tasks at your house. I bet your kids room could use a little tidying up. Do you ever look at their bookshelf and just know you need to get rid of some of them?
After a year of everything shutting down and cancelling this is the year that things are happening again. Last years Canyon Chamber of Commerce Chow Down had to cancel. This year not so much.