It seems like every election season people get on Facebook and spew all kinds of lies. They want everyone to freak out about how much our taxes are going to go up if we vote for a certain proposition.

I know that money is tight right now. I am feeling it too. Seeing some of the "facts" on Facebook is just there to freak you out. When all is said and done it seems that most of the money being asked for is really not a whole lot per year. You have to do your research.

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You have to think about the betterment of our community. I am first to say that I do not have kids in AISD but that does not mean that I would automatically vote against anything that would raise my taxes since I don't have a dog in the race.

I did have a kid that graduated from Amarillo schools. Yes, I want to see the city do better. I do know that sometimes that takes money. One post I saw the other day involved my daughter's former school, Austin Middle School. It was in a Wolflin neighborhood group that I belong to:

According to the AISD meeting that was held at Caprock (my son attended because he works there), if Prop A doesn't pass, then Austin Middle School will be shut down within 5 years and those students will split to Bowie/Fannin. Austin needs major structural changes so if the bond for Prop A fails, the school will have to be closed. Please think about that and the implications either scenario will have on this area. - Susan


Yes, they are involved in Prop A. If it passes then Austin Middle School will get the repairs done to make the school functional again. That is not the only thing that Prop A helps. It does repairs at other schools as well. It makes sure that all elementary and middle schools have air conditioning in their gyms. So it is not all geared to Austin.

credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM
credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM

Though the real possibility that Austin Middle School could close is not the answer.

Yes, Prop A is the one asking for the most money but according to the Amarillo Kids First website someone with a home valued at $120,000 will be paying under $66 per year.

credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM
credit: Melissa Bartlett, TSM

Again research needs to be done. You can check out all of the propositions and figure out how much it will cost you using the calculator HERE.

I hate watching how negative everyone gets at election time. I hate all of the lies spread. You can vote for or you can vote against. This is America. It just needs to be an educated vote. Know the facts and do your research.

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