AmTech in Amarillo Set To Let You Get First Glimpse of Facility
If your travels around Amarillo has taken you down Plains Blvd you no doubt have noticed the transformation happening at the former Hastings Distribution Center.
It really has been neat to watch as the one building went away and it transformed to the beauty it is now. As I drove by the other day with my daughter she commented that they got all the cool things after she graduated. I told her for the longest time I didn't even have air conditioning in my classroom. So yeah, things change.
AmTech is going to take the place of AACAL here in Amarillo and will offer a variety of classes to its students. There will be nine different schools with thirty different career paths. So this is going to be such a neat thing for our Amarillo students.
Coming up on April 20th from 4pm until 8pm there will be a ribbon cutting and open house. You will have the opportunity to see first hand everything going on inside. From Amarillo Independent School District's Facebook:
Curious about AmTech? This event is open to the community so mark your calendar and make plans to join us for an insider's tour of the nation's premier career academy. Experience the AmTech difference, as students demonstrate their cool tech learning tools!-Medical Arts Anatomage Table-APEX VR Law Enforcement Lab-Aerospace Engineering Flight Simulator-Dental Training Manikins-Robots & More
They will also be able to answer any questions you may have. Before then you can also check out their website HERE. If you have students that are interested in AmTech they can get a jump on checking out everything they have to offer.
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