Tis The Season For Porch Pirates in Amarillo
I hate that we live in a world where something like this even has to be said or done, but here we are talking about it again.

We are getting into the season of online orders. Lots of people buy stuff online and they should feel safe enough to be able to have their packages delivered and expect them to be there on their porch when they get home.
Unfortunately, that isn't the case because there are people in the world that don't care, don't have a conscious, and will steal other people's stuff.
Luckily the Potter Country Sheriff's Office is getting a jump on the "Porch Pirates"
According to Dictionary.com:
porch pirate [ pawrch-pahy-ruht ]
I had one (porch pirate) that followed the UPS driver about 10 minutes after he dropped off a package. Fortunately, the package was picked up before this person drove by. I saw him on the camera drive by every house looking.
To help make sure you get your package they are offering package services.
When you order something for delivery, give them YOUR NAME but give THEM OUR ADDRESS: 13103 NE 29th Amarillo TX 79111.
Once the package gets to the PCSO, then they lock it in a room and when you receive your notification that it has been delivered you can stop by and pick it up. Please note that pick-up times are Monday - Friday 8 am-4 pm. If for some reason you cannot pick it up during those hours you can call 806-379-2903 and schedule a time to pick it up.
I love that the Potter Country Sheriff's Office offers this to the citizens of Amarillo.
However, I just wish it didn't have to come to this, so I'm going to say this one more time.
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