Shred Your Way to Financial Safety Here in Amarillo
You can never be too careful with your information. I mean you have to make sure all of your personal info is just where you can find it. I am talking about the important stuff that the bad guys can use to wreak havoc on your life.
Have You Ever Had Your Identity Stolen?
That really is a big concern. The bad people can do so much with just a little bit of information. That little bit of info can do so much damage. Imagine someone getting a hold of you social security number. What can they do with that?
They can open up many credit cards. They can have a hay dah with that. In the end it is you having to clean up the mess. It takes some time. Why set yourself up for damage like that?
Your credit score will take a hit. Your ability to buy anything will be gone until it's fixed. You can prevent stuff like this happening.
Shred All of Your Personal Info You Know Longer Need
It seems easy at the end of tax season to go through your papers and just toss them. There are unfortunately people who will go through your trash. All they need to do is find one piece of paper with your name, address and even social security and the headache begins.
Amarillo Student Crime Stoppers is here to help:
We are happy to announce that our 15th Annual "Shred It Day" will take place Saturday, April 16th, from 10am-2pm. Once again we will be at the United Market Street located at 2530 S. Georgia. Be sure to stop by for on-site document destruction by Document Shredding and Storage. Don't forget to support Amarillo Crime Stoppers and Student Crime Stoppers!
Just take any old tax documents, mortgage info, credit card bills and have them shred instead. If you are like me you have old tax stuff. You only have to keep it for seven years. So the end of one tax season is a great time to purge all of that stuff with all your personal info.
Don't be a victim. Keep your personal information to yourself.
25 True Crime Locations: What Do They Look Like Today?
LOOK: What major laws were passed the year you were born?