There's always an opportunity to learn something new. No matter how small or seemingly insignificant to the great order of things it is.

Today, I've discovered that painted rocks are a thing I should be on the lookout for when I'm in Canyon.

What Is It With Painted Rocks Being Hidden All Over The Place?

Apparently this is an activity that has been around for some time. The general idea is this; you take a small rock, nothing crazy, and paint it. You can put an encouraging message on it, or just cover it in a fine work of art. The choice is yours.

Once you are done painting said rock, you hide it. Don't hide it like you would a buried treasure. Hide it where it can be found with minimal effort.

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

What You Should Do If You Were To Find One Of These Rocks

If you find one, you should most definitely get on social media and post about it. Try using hashtags that will identify it as a rock found in the town you found it in.

This way the people who hid it can have the satisfaction of knowing their rock was found, and, in the case of the rocks with encouraging messages scrawled on them, it will let the painters know that their encouraging words found someone.

Also, there's usually instructions on one side of the rock. So be sure to look the whole thing over.

Photo by Shelter on Unsplash
Photo by Shelter on Unsplash

Anyone And Everyone Is Welcome To Participate

I came across this in a Canyon Facebook group. The interesting thing to me is in the comments people referenced this in other cities. Other people chimed in about the times they had done this very thing with their own children.

It's a harmless enough activity that can potentially spread a lot of cheer and positivity. Just don't paint the rocks solid colors and leave them out on Easter weekend. That would be cruel.

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