Wheelchair-Bound Man Killed By Truck On Amarillo Blvd
On the morning of December 29th around 7:40 Tyrone Anderson, a 53-year-old man who was wheelchair-bound crossed the street on Amarillo Boulevard before being struck by a brown Ford F-150 truck in the center turning lane.
Soon after Amarillo Police Officers and emergency workers were called to the scene. Anderson was taken by ambulance to a nearby hospital where he died.
Police have taken the driver of the brown pickup truck into custody, but he has not been charged yet. As of right now, an investigation is taking place in order to determine who was at fault in this accident.
As we get closer to the end of 2022, we are seeing the last of tragic accidents and deaths. Sadly around this time, cold weather increased traffic, and many other conditions around the city can contribute to these accidents.
Especially with New Year's Eve coming up when the chances of drunk drivers being out are increased, make sure that reguarless of whether you are in or out of your vehicle you are up and aware of drivers who either are not paying attention or are in an altered state.
Vehicular Accidents are among the highest accidental causes of death according to the National Safety Council, and around times like Christmas or New Year when alcohol is consumed in abundance your chance of getting into a vehicular accident increase substantially.
So as we end off the year with a celebration, please make sure to drink responsibly, plan out your nights, and stay aware and safe on the roads.
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