Watch Out For These Possible Scams On Amarillo’s Facebook Groups
So if you're in Amarillo's buy, sell, and trade groups, there is definitely a large number of people who are, of course, buying, selling, and trading in these local groups.
But with any large collection of people, you are going to find a large variety of personalities. Some nice, some not so nice, some who you might find a little "odd".
Oh, yeah, and then there are these lovely posts.
So upon first glance, you might not think much about these posts that are scattered across Amarillo's buy, sell, and trade Facebook. I mean what's wrong with these posts, they are just normal people seeking help or trying to warn people about things like dangerous rattlesnakes right?
Well, upon closer inspection you can see that most of these are pictures that are not even taken in or around Amarillo, and tell some pretty sketchy stories.
For example, the first picture warning about Eastern Diamondbacks can't even be real because Eastern Diamondbacks are not even found in the Texas Panhandle and the second picture exposing a lady in a Target parking lot was not even taken at Amarillo's Target when you look closer into the background.
Even though they are obviously fake they have gotten a lot of shares and reactions, meaning that these fake posts are getting spread around pretty quickly.
How do I know that these are bots you ask?
Well, taking a quick peek at their profiles will reveal that most of these profiles that post this type of content are completely blank Facebook profiles that were made up pretty recently, have almost no friends or followers, no photos, and even sometimes use stock images as their profile pictures.
What their exact goals are past putting out fake posts? I'm not entirely sure, but if I were to take a guess if you were to dm any of these pages and interact with them you will likely be met with a message that looks like it was written by a robot and a link to a website asking for your credit card info. So definitely be careful when interacting with posts that seem a little "off" like the examples shown above.
So as usual, don't believe everything you see on the internet.
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