Trump’s Presidency Sees Highest Turnover Rate
It's no surprise in this controversial presidency to see a high turnover rate in the White House.
A study, conducted by CompData Surveys, shows the 2016 turnover rate by industry. The total average turnover rate in 2016 was 17.8%. This study included Banking and Finance, healthcare industry, insurance, manufacturing and more. This study was used in the second graphic to compare percentages of the Trump Presidency.
During Trump's first year we have seen Stephen Bannon, Michael Flynn, K.T. McFarland, Anthony Scaramucci, Sean Spicer, Katie Walsh, and more fired or voluntarily leave the White House.
Currently, in the first year, Trump's turnover rate sits at 33%. 15.2% higher than the national industry average turnover rate and almost two-thirds higher than the past five presidents.
In a Reddit graphic from r/dataisbeautiful you'll see the staggering differences.
Rebuilding a "Business Structure" is hard, you're having to replace senior members of an organization who have established relationships with Congress and communities with another new employee who has to rebuild and maintain relationships.
Is it good to get new fresh brains into our government structure, or keep what we have and the relationships that stand?
Let us know in the comments.