New Documentary Sheds Light on Poverty in Amarillo
For me, Amarillo is one of those cities you can get lost in your own world in. It seems like we are almost isolated from the struggle the rest of the country faces. However, for many citizens that is not the case.
The United Way of Amarillo and Canyon have teamed up with many others to produce a new documentary titled "Less Than" to show people what a bring problem poverty is in our area.
Around 20% of people in Potter county live at or below the poverty level. Poverty statistics can also be based on something called "insecurities". Meaning, a person does not know where their next meal will come from or where they will sleep at night. 51% of all Amarillo College students have some level of food insecurity. 59% have levels of housing insecurity.
In this film, they will share many more heartbreaking statistics but more importantly, they will show you how you can make a difference and start changing these statistics for a better Amarillo.
Find out more about screenings and showings at
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