Mother Sues School District Over Son’s Alleged Assault In Amarillo Federal Court
The mother of a former Perryton High School basketball player is suing the district and four others for multiple instances of alleged sexual assault against her son. Court documents allege that three separate sexual assaults took place in the locker room after practice on February 21, 2021.
What Happened
It is claimed that two other basketball players filmed the acts and posted them on social media and that the school's basketball coach was present and able to stop the abuse but did nothing.
After the alleged incidents, the mother claims that the district learned of the incident in June 2021 and swept the "grievous criminal behavior under the rug," failing to discipline the players in any meaningful way.
The Lawsuit
The lawsuit seeks five claims of relief, including common law assault against the player who allegedly committed the sexual assault, production of child pornography charges against the players, as well as the coach, distribution of child pornography charges against the players who allegedly filmed the act and posted it on social media, violation of Title IX against Perryton ISD for failing to provide equal opportunity in education to her son.
The mother is seeking more than $2 million in damages for emotional distress, pain, and suffering, along with additional liquidated damages for the production and distribution of the alleged videos of the incident. The mother is also seeking out-of-pocket costs against the defendants, including the district, along with reasonable attorneys' fees and costs.
The documents also claim that the athletic director "was responsible for holding the culpable students (and coach) accountable but failed to do so." The plaintiffs also say that the athletic director "was responsible for holding the culpable students (and coach) accountable but failed to do so." In relation to the retaliation claim, the mother claims that the district showed a "retaliatory motive" by amending its transfer policy, failing to consider recommendations that the transfer applications of "Doe" and his brother be approved, and ultimately denying their applications to transfer. The mother hopes to obtain some semblance of justice and compel the school district to change its policies and practices to prevent such criminal conduct from happening again.