Amarillo, Texas, finds itself grappling with a familiar adversary as Lawrence Lake, notorious for causing the devastating floods of 1981 and 1982, overflows once more. The Amarillo Police Department recently took to Facebook to issue a series of updates, urging residents to stay clear of the affected area and emphasizing the dangers of driving through flooded streets.

Lawrence Lake's resurgence has led to the closure of several key areas, echoing the scenes from decades ago. Paramount and Lometa, along with Western Plaza and the Western and I-40 intersection, have been forced to shut down as the waters breach the lake's banks. It is a haunting parallel to the past, where these locations witnessed the havoc wreaked by the lake's overflow in '81 and '82. The specter of history looms large as Amarillo faces yet another battle against rising waters.

The impact of the current flooding extends beyond Lawrence Lake. Streets like 5000 Coulter and 46/Hardin have succumbed to the deluge, prompting authorities to issue warnings and deploy resources to manage the situation. The Streets Department has been summoned to erect barricades, aiming to prevent accidents and keep residents safe. Amarillo finds itself contending with numerous road closures, from 45th and Coulter to Amarillo Boulevard East near the Eastridge neighborhood and the downtown underpasses at East 3rd and 10th Street.

The recent heavy rains have saturated the region, causing standing water and filling lakes to capacity. The Amarillo Police Department urges residents to exercise caution, limiting travel to essential needs only.

As Amarillo navigates through the current flooding crisis, the echoes of past flood events serve as a poignant reminder of the city's need for updated drainage systems. Lessons learned from the devastating floods of '81 and '82 have informed Amarillo's approach to managing such challenges in the past, emphasizing the need for proactive measures against these floods, but it is unknown how prepared the city is now.

In these uncertain times, staying informed through reliable sources like the Amarillo PD's Twitter and Facebook accounts becomes vital, ensuring residents have up-to-date information on road closures and other developments related to the ongoing flooding.

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