The Hidden Meanings Behind 12 Phrases You Hear on Every Flight
Lafayette, Louisiana has just finished a new upgrade to its airport. New Orleans, Louisiana has finished a revamp of its airport facility too. A good airport is important for economic growth. For many people, the ability to fly to and from a city plays a huge part in their decision to live in that city or not.
And while we can all agree flying as of late, with all the delays and computer issues, has been a bit of a pain. Most of us can't wait until it's our turn to saunter down the jetway and climb inside an aircraft that will deliver us to a destination that would have taken us most of a day to drive to.
For most of us, the "on board" experience of flying is actually a non-event. At least, a non-event is what I hope for when I fly. I am not afraid of flying I just don't care for it. And as a bit of a nervous Nelly when I'm in the friendly skies, I pay closer attention to what's happening on the aircraft than more relaxed and inebriated flyers might.
One thing I have learned on my many trips is that the airline industry, like most industries, appears to have its own language. Sometimes the language makes sense to the passengers, sometimes it's almost as if the flight crew is speaking in code. And guess what, they are.
That's because sometimes they need to communicate things among the crew that you and I don't need to know about. Well, now we can know about them too because we have cracked at least some of the code of flight crew conversations. See how many of these phrases you know and how many you've heard.
Oh, and don't be a Jim Wilson, unless you're going to fly next to me.
12 Secret Phrases and Their Meanings That You'll Hear on Every Flight You Take