If you are looking for a great evening with some great music, then you are in for a treat.

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The Paul Family Bluegrass Band is making its way to the Texas Panhandle and planning a stop in Canyon, Texas.

If you love the sound of steel guitars, banjos, and guitars and good 'ol gospel music, then this is definitely a show you don't want to miss.

According to the The Paul Family website:

We are a family of seven that strive daily to draw nearer to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, knowing fully that without the sacrifice of His life on the cross we would not have the opportunity of experiencing eternal life.  As a family we strive and struggle daily to serve the Lord Jesus Christ by honoring Him with everything we do.

The Paul Family Bluegrass Band describes their show as traditional southern gospel hymns with a mix of contemporary or "new grass" songs that all feature positive and encouraging messages in a family-friendly setting.

The Paul Family Bluegrass Band will be performing on Wednesday night October 5th at the Palo Duro Cowboy Church in Canyon, Texas.  The show will begin at 6:30 pm.

This show is open to the public and everyone is invited to attend this amazing evening of gospel, bluegrass, and worship.  If you have never experienced this kind of bluegrass then this is your perfect opportunity.

Coffee and refreshments will also be provided at the event.

The Palo Duro Cowboy Church is located at 12200 S. US Highway 60 in Canyon, Texas.

Palo Duro Cowboy Church Cowboy Live Nativity

Each year the Palo Duro Cowboy Church hosts a live Cowboy Nativity. This year it took place on Friday, December 17th. It's shows scenes of the birth of Jesus Christ if he would have been born in the time of the working cowboy.

Can You Guess These Towns From Their Satellite Photos?

I'm always down for a good brain challenge. This one however got the best of me.
It's always a fun time looking up address or cities and seeing them from a satellite point of view. You start pointing out landmarks and things you recognize.

One thing you don't account for however is something looking bigger or smaller than you seemed to think it was. So we started grabbing a bunch of these satellite pictures of cities and towns around Amarillo.

As we looked at them, we thought to ourselves, "how fun would this be to actually have to GUESS what these places are?". So away we went.

Go ahead and try to see how many you can guess correctly!

The Abandoned School House Outside of Canyon, Texas

This was once the Jowell School. Built in 1901, the building was the cornerstone of the teeny tiny farming community of Jowell.

The building had been rebuilt and restored in the late '80s or 90s before vandals destroyed it in an act of arson. What remains of the Jowell School sits in a desolate part of rolling farmland between the small towns of Canyon and Happy, Texas.