What is the Fate of This Beloved Amarillo Business?
There is nothing in life like childhood memories. The places that you remember going to. The places that will forever hold a special place in your heart. These places bring so many memories.
Those summer nights going to get a snow-cone with your family is one that my daughter still talks about. Our first home was near the Sam's on Ross. That is when we were introduced to Cool Cats Snow-Cones.
We would go there as often as we could. What we loved about it was just because the summer months were over didn't mean they closed down for the winter. We know that there are plenty of snow-cone-worthy days in Amarillo even when it is supposed to be cold.
My daughter would love to get one of the many stickers that they had at the stand. What kid doesn't love stickers? I have driven by several times over the past several months and have, of course, noticed that there is going to be a new place built on that property at 27th and Osage.
Exxon is the sign. So a convenience store I am assuming. It got me to thinking about Cool Cats. They have been a fixture there at 27th and Osage for as long as I can remember. So with this new place going to be built in that location, what does that mean for Cool Cats?
Right now their location says '"temporarily closed". Are they going to be able to stay in the place that they have been at for so many years? Or will this be a business that causes our snow cone stand to have to leave?
I know a lot of people were concerned for The Rug People on 34th and Georgia when they moved away. It's a situation like that. We love the rug people. We have come to know that was their place. Then Scooter's Coffee moved in and they packed up.
Luckily that was a short-lived move and they found a way to be able to stay at their location. Is that going to be the outcome for Cool Cats? I sure hope that they stay in that area.
I hope that the gas station that moves in has already worked out a deal with Cool Cats. I hope this is a happy ending for everyone involved.
Where the Kids Can Let Off Some Steam - Amarillo Parks
Cool Off This Summer at Amarillo Pools and Splash Pads
Gallery Credit: Melissa Bartlett