Is Texas Really The Most Haunted State In The US?
We're officially in "spooky season." Spirit Halloween stores are open, all of the big box stores have rolled out their Halloween selections, and scary movies are starting to pop up everywhere. To make things even spookier, Sep 30 is officially National Ghost Hunting Day. To celebrate, a study was done to see which states have the most ghost sightings.
Is Texas really the most haunted of all 50 states?
The study, done by the inquiring minds at BetMichigan, used catalogued ghost and UFO sightings to determine the rankings. They used Ghosts Of America to do the brunt of their research.
The website consists of user submitted reports of ghost activity.
According to the findings of BetMichigan, Texas has the most ghost sightings of any state in the US. The Lone Star State has a whopping 7,517 ghost sightings that have been catalogued. The state with the second most is California, followed by Ohio.
It's not that shocking to me, honestly. I have frequently written pieces about several instances of hauntings across Texas for the past several years.
We have pretty much every kind of haunted location you could want. We have entire towns that seem to be haunted. There are notorious witches graves. There's even a ghost herd atop a mesa that inspired the classic song "Ghost Riders In The Sky."
As we get closer to Halloween, just know that if you're in the Lone Star State, you're in a prime spot for getting to see something a little extra spooky.
There's plenty of ghosts to go around.