My front yard has some spots where it doesn't have grass or it's patchy.  We've started the process of reseeding our front yard.  Why?  Because everyone deserves green grass.

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It's super expensive to have someone come and reseed your yard or even have it sodded.   Sometimes, you just have to take things into your own hands and pray for great results.

Here are some tips on reseeding your yard?

You'll need to kill off the weeds and old grass - so you'll need to find a weed killer that also takes out the grass.

Find the right seed for your environment-  We chose Bermuda.  I really wanted Fescue, but that takes a lot of work and water.

Prep your soil - we got a tiller and turned over the soil, removed large particles and big clumps of dirt, and deadness, then leveled it with rakes.

Spread the Seed -  the easiest way is to fill up your fertilizer spreader with seed and start seeding your yard.

Fertilize - As soon as the seeds are down, fill your spreader with fertilizer and go back over your yard.

Water - Water, water, water, you have to keep your seeds wet so they will start to grow and root.

For my yard, we didn't reseed the whole yard, we just worked on the parts that were dead and needed all the above steps.  We'll see how it goes!  Fingers crossed, I have a beautiful green front yard this year.

Those are a few tips to help get your yard reseeded, however, if you want some professional tips here you go:

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