Here are the Reasons to Give to the Children’s Miracle Network
We are now kicking off Miracle Week with the Children's Miracle Network!
These are some of the amazing families that have been helped by CMN. It's families like these that your donations help.
Madison Witt:
Madison is one of the sweetest girls you will meet, she suffers from Chiari 1 Malformation. She has frequent flare ups which cause her to be confined to a wheelchair. She is learning more about this diagnosis every day but hopes she can get back to doing what she loves, dancing!
John and Emma Detten:
John and Emma were both born with Wolf- Hirschhorn syndrome. John is big brother to Emma. John loves his horse therapy and Emma loves to give hugs, she is the best hug giver around.
Lillea Salazar:
We love our Lillea! When this little girl entered the world she was a tiny little thing, but you wouldn't know it now. Once you meet her you know she is larger than life and her personality is contagious. Being born early has never slowed her down.
No only do your donations help out families like the ones above, but your donations help the Children's Miracle Network provide equipment for our rural hospitals, help bring in specialists that specifically treat our local kids and so much more.
The one thing every single family that we talk to always tell us, "we never thought it could happen to us." You never know when your child will get sick or if they will get sick. Just know that we have this wonderful organization in Amarillo that helps our local kids. Know that every donation stays local to help our local kids.
CMN is there to help out families no matter race, religion, financial status, or creed. A lot of times even if a family has insurance, medical bills can be crippling to a families financial situation. Knowing that someone is there to help can mean the difference to a family and their child.
CMN cares about our kids.
Starting on Thursday join us for the CMN Mediathon - you'll be able to call in an donate or you can start early and donate now.
Become a Miracle Maker, just $15 per month as long as you care to give. You can give monthly or a one time donation.
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