Extra Police Patrol Will Be Out In Amarillo to Keep You Safe During New Years Weekend
When ringing in the New Year, some people celebrate too much and get behind the wheel of a car. This year the Amarillo Police Department wants everyone to have a happy and safe New Year.
To help with the safety of the community during the New Year, the APD will have extra patrols out this weekend. They will be on the lookout for those who have been drinking and are driving. They will also be looking for those who are not wearing their seat belts or those who do not have their children in a proper safety seat. They will be watching out for those who are speeding, especially those not slowing down in construction zones. APD will also be looking for those that are distracted driving, or as my friend at AAA Texas, Daniel Armbruster, calls "Intexticated" driving.
Amarillo has seen 24 fatal accidents this year in which 30 people have lost their lives.

The APD received two Traffic Safety Enforcement Program Grants from the Texas Department of Transportation, STEP and CMV. These grants will allow for the extra patrols this weekend and allow officers to concentrate on the above violations.
With as many options that are available to get your safely to and from your destination, please choose those options instead of getting behind the wheel of a vehicle after you have been drinking. Too many lives have been lost and families destroyed because of drunk driving.
Drive slow, wear your seat belt, don't text and drive, and please don't drink and drive. Be safe and have a happy New Year.
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