Erwin Pawn Trade-A-Thon Chooses Cones
Bringing buyers and sellers together was our goal Saturday.
It's our goal every Saturday, actually. It's want ads on the radio called in by listeners like you. We call it The Erwin Pawn Trade-A-Thon.
We ask our callers a poll question before they give their listing. It allows us an opportunity to know them better and provides a running theme that ties all our calls together.
For the last couple of weeks we've been talking a lot about ice cream. I certainly have been eating my fair share lately. This week the ice cream question concerned how you like it when it calls for portability.
Which do you prefer, the ice cream sandwich or the ice cream cone?
Sandwich 8
Cone 27
A landslide victory with most citing the variety of flavors and toppings available as key reasons why they preferred the cone to the sandwich. For me, the sandwich is the clear winner. If I want a whole lot of variety or toppings I'll get out a bowl and get serious.
We go over the rules of conduct on the program at the beginning of each hour. Along with the five regular rules I always bring you a special Rule #6. It changes every week and is inspired by something that happened to me over the previous week.
Before leaving to come do the show Saturday morning I had to stop at the dumpster. Much to my dismay all three of the available receptacles we full to the point of overflowing. I was further angered when I realized one of the dumpsters was largely filled with empty boxes.
I thought breaking down boxes was a rule you learned during your first food service job but apparently my neighbors didn't get the message.
Rule #6 Break down your boxes.
See you this Saturday for another Erwin Pawn Trade-A-Thon!