CDC: If You’re Fully Vaccinated, You Don’t Have to Quarantine
We were all hoping that 2021 would be a much better year for us, and so far things are moving a lot slower than most folks would like, as far as returning to "normal" again. But with several different companies coming out with vaccines to fight coronavirus, the future at least looks promising.
Not every American has access to the vaccines yet, but the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention came out with some important info yesterday for folks who have already been vaccinated. They stated that fully vaccinated people who meet certain criteria won't be required to quarantine following exposure to someone with COVID-19. Now, let's be smart, people. That doesn't mean you get a free pass to stop wearing a mask, practice social distancing, or washing your hands incessantly. But not having to quarantine is certainly a bonus, especially for those of us who've been stuck at home without any interactions with other humans because of exposure.
According to USA Today, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the leading expert in the US on infectious diseases says “We don’t want people to think that just because they’re vaccinated that other public health recommendations just don’t apply".
It's also important to remember that it takes about two weeks for full or maximum immunity after a person has received their vaccinations. And that is fully vaccinated, not just the first shot. And no vaccination is ever foolproof or offers total protection. Read more about the CDC's new guidelines from USA Today.
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