Amarillo Apartments Trying to Help Residents in Loss
Last Wednesday the Enclave Apartments on I-40 had a building that was engulfed by flames. At the end of the day thirty-one tenants were without a home.
As I was walking with my friend over the weekend we wanted to check out the damage. I wanted to see firsthand the destruction that the fire caused. I could only imagine being one of these residents. They lost everything.
The American Red Cross and the management of the Enclave Apartments are trying to help out those that suffered this loss. We do have to count our blessings that nobody was hurt. They even ended up finding a cat later on that they thought may have been in the fire. So there are miracles.
How can we help?
These families are still without. You can help them, though, by donating new and used furniture. They are all without that. Even gift cards can be a huge help right now. These families can use them to purchase the everyday things they are in desperate need of right now.
You can drop things off at the Enclave Apartments - 6209 I-40 W in their office.