A Very Halloween Trade-A-Thon
We flew the Erwin Pawn Trade-A-Thon banner once again on Saturday.
It’s the show that invites you to call in and list for sale the stuff you no longer need. It’s the ultimate In recycling. We do it from nine to noon on Saturdays.
We ask all our callers a poll question before they give their listing. It helps us both get to know them better and provides a theme that ties together all our calls.
With Halloween approaching on Tuesday it got me to wondering how the long standing tradition of Trick-or-Treating is holding up among Trade-A-Thon listeners. I predicted not very well.
Are you hosting Trick-or-Treaters?
Yes 15
No 18
I was genuinely surprised by the count. I didn’t think passing out free candy to strange kids from other neighborhoods was holding up but I was wrong.
We go over the rules of the program at the beginning of each hour. Along with the regular five rules there is a special Rule #6 that changes every week. This week we kept with the Halloween theme.
Rule 6 It’s better to treat than to trick.
See you next Saturday for Trade-A-Thon!