A Saturday Inferno & The Erwin Pawn Trade-A-Thon
Last Saturday the phone lines weren't the only thing burning up on The Erwin Pawn Trade-A-Thon.
Temperatures on Saturday past the 105 mark might have discouraged some from buying, selling, and trading but you wouldn't have know it by our busy phone lines. Amidst the heat we still managed to bring a few buyers and sellers together.
We ask all our callers a poll question before they give their listing. It provides a theme that ties all our calls together and helps us get to know them a little better. This week the heat was foremost on everyone's mind. It had me wondering if anyone was planning on getting out in it.
Will you be spending the day inside or outside?
Inside 13
Outside 17
I was surprised at that result. Although I am a creature of the indoors even I had to spend some time outside on Saturday, much like many of our callers.
Along with the regular rules of the program that we recite at the beginning of each hour, I also bring you a special Rule #6 that changes every week. Sometimes its my version of poor man's observational humor. This week, with all this heat I thought a real rule would be best.
Rule #6 Stay our of direct sunlight when possible, drink plenty of liquids, wear sunscreen, and check on your elderly neighbors.
See you next Saturday for another Erwin Pawn Trade-A-Thon!