A Green Trade-A-Thon With Leprechan Care Tips Presented By Damron’s Pawn
It’s want ads on the radio, called in by people that have too much stuff and not enough money. And it’s listened to by a wide audience of buyers looking for a bargain. We do it every Saturday morning from nine to noon.
We ask all our callers a poll question before they give their listing. It helps us get to know the caller better and provides a theme that ties together all the calls. It is usually a easy question to answer and although sometimes the topic is quite random, this week we went with a topical question.
Being St. Patrick’s Day, it seemed fairly obvious what primary fact we needed to learn from our callers this week.
Are you wearing green?
No 14
Yes 12
I was surprised we had as many ‘yes’ answers as we did. I expect we have a lot of callers still in their jammies when they call in their listing and have yet to don their final outfit for the day.
We have guidelines that govern conduct on the show and specifically rules related to calling in an ad. Along with the five regular rules, I always bring you a special sixth rule. It changes every week and is usually inspired by something that happened to me over the previous week. This week I drew from my nearly 50 years’ experience celebrating St. Patrick’s Day.
I’m aware it’s taboo to discuss our Leprechauns. For the most part I agree, what my Leprechaun is up to is no more your business than what project yours is working on is to me. Unfortunately, our restriction on discussing our Leprechaun makes it difficult to properly care for them. There isn’t much information out there, even on the internet. I have made some mistakes with my Leprechaun over the years and at the risk of offending and alienating some, I hope this week’s Rule #6 is one you can use going forward in protecting the health of your Leprechaun.
Rule #6 Never allow your Leprechaun to be exposed to bright light, don’t get him wet, and never give him alcohol after midnight, no matter how much he begs.
We hope you and your Leprechaun had a great St. Patrick’s Day. We’ll see you both next week for another Trade-A-Thon presented by Damron’s Pawn on News Talk 940.
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