Winter weather is upon Amarillo and the Texas Panhandle.  Due to the snowfall in the area roads are snowy and icy. Here's a list of delays and cancellations for area schools, organizations and businesses. 

Irina Igumnova
Irina Igumnova

Adrian ISD - Delayed 2 hours; Buses will run 2 hours late

Amarillo Catholic Schools - Delayed 2 hours

Ascension Academy - Delayed 2 hours

Boise City Public Schools - Closed Today

Booker ISD - Delayed 2 hours

Bovina ISD - Delayed 2 hours; Buses will run 2 hours late

Boys Ranch ISD - Delayed 2 hours

Canadian ISD - Delayed 1 hour

Channing ISD - Closed Today

Clarendon ISD - Delayed 2 hours; Buses will run 2 hours late

Claude ISD - Delayed 2 hours

Cornerstone Outreach - Closed

Darrouzett ISD - Delayed 2 hours; Buses will run 2 hours late

Follett ISD - Delayed 2 hours

Fort Elliott CISD - Closed Today

Goodwell Public Schools - Closed Today

Grandview-Hopkins ISD - Closed Today

Groom ISD - Delayed 2 hours; Buses will run 2 hours late

Gruver ISD - Delayed 2 hours

Guymon Public Schools - Closed Today

Hardesty Public Schools - Closed Today

Hartley ISD - Delayed 2 hours; Buses will run 2 hours late

Hedley ISD - Delayed 2 hours; Buses will run 2 hours late

Hereford ISD - Delayed 2 hours

Higgins ISD - Delayed 2 hours

JBS Swift - Dalhart - All staff to arrive at 9 a.m.

Kelton School - Delayed 1 hour

Lefors ISD - Delayed 2 hours; Buses will run 2 hours late

Memphis ISD - Delayed 2 hours; Buses will run 2 hours late

Miami ISD - Delayed 1 hour

Milan Institute of Cosmetology - Closed Friday

Pampa ISD - Delayed 2 hours; Buses will run 2 hours late

Panhandle ISD - Delayed 2 hours

Plemons-Stinnett-Phillips CISD - Delayed 1 hour

Pringle-Morse CISD - Delayed 2 hours; Buses will run 2 hours late

Sanford-Fritch ISD - Delayed 2 hours

Shamrock ISD - Delayed 2 hours; Buses will run 2 hours late

Spearman ISD - Delayed 1 hour

Sunray ISD - Delayed 1 hour

Texline ISD - Delayed 1 hour

Tucumcari Municipal Schools - Delayed 2 hours

Vega ISD - Delayed 2 hours

Wellington ISD - Delayed 2 hours; Buses will run 2 hours late

Wheeler ISD - Delayed 1 hour

White Deer ISD - Delayed 2 hours; Buses will run 2 hours late

Wildorado ISD - Delayed 1 hour

Yarbrough Public Schools - Closed Today


We will continue to update throughout the day.

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