Virtual Classes are a Possibility for Texas Schools This Fall
As the coronavirus continues to spread throughout the state of Texas, all bets are off as to how classes will commence in the fall.
The classroom is the best place for children to be when classes resume, but educators and state officials have to exercise caution during the pandemic, with the health and safety of students and teachers being the top priority.
Governor Greg Abbott had this to say during Thursday’s ABC 13 Town Hall:
"We want to start schools on time as scheduled. If we continue to see COVID spreading the way that it is right now, it may be necessary to employ that flexibility and use online learning."
Back in June, Wichita Falls Independent School District’s Superintendent Mike Kuhrt told KFDX the school district was looking for ways to safely bring students back into the classroom:
“Learning at school face-to-face with a teacher is the best instructional model but yes we will offer online learning opportunities for students and parents who don’t feel comfortable going to school.”
Classes in Wichita Falls are currently scheduled to resume on August 20.
We’ll keep an eye on things and provide updates when we get them.

READ MORE: 50 resources to help you educate your kids at home
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