Trade-A-Thon & Amarillo’s Loss Of Ruby Tequila’s, Midnight Rodeo, and The Brush Sites
On the Erwin Pawn Trade-A-Thon we pondered the loss of three Amarillo icons.
It’s the show that invites you to call in and sell stuff every Saturday morning on News Talk 940. It’s original wants ads phoned in by our listeners and everybody has a good time. Many people make money. Give it shot, it never hurts to try.
We ask all our callers a poll question before they give their listing. It both helps us to learn something about the caller, it also ties all our calls together with a common theme. The hope is it provides a little something extra to entertain those listening.
While Amarillo is an ever-growing city, some setbacks are inevitable. Three long standing traditions in Amarillo have come to unceremonious ends over the last few weeks. First there was the surprise closing of small chain restaurant Ruby Tequilas’s. Then last week the legendary country music dance hall, Midnight Rodeo closed its doors and didn’t even hold a going out of business party. And last week marked the closure of Amarillo’s popular brush drop-off sites. It seems they were a little too popular with people dumping furniture and professional tree trimming businesses.
With so much history lost in such a short period of time, it got me to wondering which of the three you would miss more. We gave it to the callers and I was a little surprised by the result.
Which will you miss more, Ruby Tequila’s, Midnight Rodeo, or the Amarillo brush drop of sites?
Ruby Tequila’s 9
Midnight Rodeo 3
Brush Sites 14
I can only surmise most of our callers dislike Mexican food, enjoy dancing to Tejano, and have a big yard because apparently, they have a lot of foliage to dispose.
There are rules that governing the Erwin Pawn Trade-A-Thon. We go over them at the beginning of each hour. It helps set the stage and also helps to ensure everyone, from caller to listener are on the same page. Along with the five regular rules of conduct on the show, I always bring you a special Rule #6 that changes every week. It is usually inspired by something that happened to me over the previous week.
I was in a Rock-and-Roll cover band almost 30 years ago. After working for almost two years we disbanded and didn’t really stay in touch. If it weren’t for Facebook we’d still be ignorant of what became of each other. Recently we formed a private group on Facebook to reminisce and discuss possible new projects.
It also provided me an opportunity to express some feelings I’ve had for many years about the band. A few things I needed to say, to atone in a certain way. I did and have felt a burden finally lifted that I’m sorry I didn’t address years ago. It occurred to me that had the makings of a good rule.
Rule #6 If something needs to be said, say it.
I hope you sold something, bought something, or got something from Rule #6 on The Erwin Pawn Trade-A-Thon. All three are possible for you again this Saturday from 9-Noon on News Talk 940.