It's hard to start thinking about the holidays before Halloween gets here, but Christmas will be here before you know it.   Christmas time is a special time for most, but for those who don't have the money to make Christmas special, then it's a sad time of year.  No one should go without during the holidays.     Wonderful organizations like the Salvation Army in Amarillo, help our city and help make the holidays special for everyone.  The Salvation Army will be taking applications for their Christmas assistance program.

Salvation Army Supplies Toys And Food To Needy Families
Getty Images

Each year the Salvation Army has their Angel Tree and on this tree is hundreds of individual angels who represent children who need a Christmas.  You can go and pick and angel off the tree and help make their Christmas wishes come true.

Starting on Monday, October 23rd the Salvation Army will be taking applications for the Christmas Assistance Program.   If you know of a family who needs assistance this Christmas they must stop by the Salvation Army Church and fill out an application.

The Salvation Army will be taking applications October 23rd-27th and November 6th-10th.  Families can stop by and fill out an application Monday - Friday 8:30am-11:30am, and Monday and Thursday evenings 6pm-8pm.  The Salvation Army Church is located at 2101 S. Van Buren.

If you are applying for assistance please bring the following items:

        • Valid Pictured I.D.
        • Social Security Card or Government I.D. for all household member
        • Birth certificate for all children 18 and under(if child is not a U.S. citizen also proof of school enrollment);
        • Proof of school enrollment for children 15 to 18
        • If you are not parent of child have proof of custody papers for child/children;
        • Proof of all monthly bills
        • Proof of income for all household members (including SNAP/TANF)

For more information on the Salvation Army Christmas Assistance program visit, or call 806-373-6631.

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