Another Saturday of buying, selling, and trading is behind us.

It's the show that invites you to call in and list for sale the belongings you no longer need or want for the money you do.  It's want ads on the radio and it's free to call, listen, and we don't take a sellers commission.


We ask all our callers a poll question before they give their listing.  It helps provide a way to tie all our calls together and helps us get to know the caller a little better.  Sometimes wacky and other times topical, The Big Questions is usually fun spirited.

With the eclipse coming on Monday, we we're curious if you were as excited as the rest of the country seems to be.  You can't throw a rock at the radio or TV without hearing a warning to protect your vision and not look at the eclipse with the naked eye.

The eclipse, do you care?

Yes 17

 No 14

A pretty close vote.  Personally, I think it's much ado about nothing.  The moon crossing in front of the sun, big whoop.  I don't get people that will drive hundreds of miles and spend thousands of dollars to experience totality.  I can find better ways to use that money.


We go over the rules of the program at the beginning of each hour.  It helps ensure everyone is on the same page and understands how Trade-A-Thon works.  Along with the five regular rules of conduct, I always bring you a special Rule #6.  It changes every week and is usually inspired by something that happened to me over the previous week.

Early Saturday morning as I was getting ready for the show, I saw a disturbing story on the news.  It was an elderly man who suffered permanent eye damage looking at an eclipse many years ago.  He lost much of the vision in one of his eyes looking without proper eye protection.  It made me decide you needed one more warning about eye protection before Monday.

Rule #6 Don't look at the eclipse without proper eye protection.

See you this Saturday for another Trade-A-Thon, presuming you've got a pair of eclipse glasses.


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