Space Is Running Out Quick For Free Fishing Camp In Amarillo.
If you have a kid between the ages of 5 and 15 that might be interested in learning how to fish this summer, you better sign them up quick. It looks like space is running out for the Hooked On Fishing free summer camp in Amarillo.
Camp Is Great. Free Camps Are Better.
Not only are most of us looking for ways to keep the kids active and preoccupied this summer, but we're trying to do so on a budget. That's the big draw of these free camps.
This summer, your kid can learn what they need to know to start fishing at the Hooked On Fishing summer camp. There are three different dates available.
Good News And Bad News.
The bad news is that two of the dates available are already full. The website offers you the opportunity to join a "wait list," however there is another option available. That leads us to the good news.
The good news is that there is still a handful of spots available on the last date available. It's in July.
What Will The Kids Learn?
Kids will learn pretty much everything they will need to know in order to go fishing. They'll learn how to tie a fishing knot, how to bait a hook, how to add weight, how to string a pole, and of course how to cast.
In fact, they will learn several casting methods during the camp. Not a bad way to get started.
Where To Sign Your Child Up.
Follow this link to the sign up page. Hopefully you get there before space runs out.