Shooting In Amarillo Hotel Parking Lot Off I-40
For anyone who missed the recent article talking about a small scuffle between a lady and some teenagers in a parking lot, I emphasized that "no parking lot is true of safe haven".
Well, this incident proves this point.
On the morning of Wednesday 28, at 3:15 a.m. a man was shot and injured in the Woodspring Suites parking lot off of I-40.
The Amarillo Police Department was called to the scene shortly after the shooting, but by the time APD officers arrived on the scene, the shooter was gone and could not be found.
An ambulance was called immediately following the officer's discovery of the victim and he was taken to the hospital.
The suspect is still at large and an investigation regarding the shooting is currently underway.
Although we are nearing the end of both the holiday season with Christmas having recently passed and New Years' Eve Coming we are still in the season for crime.
Generally, it's around the holiday season when crime increases for a multitude of reasons, leaving unsuspecting citizens worrying for their safety when out early in the morning or late at night.
Although we can't change the statistics, we can decrease the odds of us being selected as a target for crime. Staying alert and attentive to your surroundings when walking to your car, making sure doors are locked, and avoiding the more crime-ridden areas of the town at the wrong hours can substantially decrease your risk of being the victim of a crime.
So please, as we head into the New Year let's try and make it safe and sound for 2023 by doing our best to keep ourselves and our families safe.
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