Peace Farm In Amarillo Still Working For World Free Of Nukes
Considering current events playing out on the world stage, it isn't surprising that The Peace Farm would eventually come up in conversation. I had never heard of this farm near Pantex that was started to protest nuclear weapons; and is still working to inform and educate all these years later.

Peace Farm Amarillo - Established in 1986
On The Peace Farm's official website, it states that the farm was established to be an information source regarding Pantex, and to be a "visible witness" against the weapons being made there.
Originally, it was an impressive 20 acres located near the plant. It has hosted numerous protests and events over the years regarding a wide range of "social justice and environmental issues."
The Peace Farm Is Still There, And Still Working For Its Cause, In 2022
Even though most of the land and buildings were sold in 2008, there is still one acre of The Peace Farm carrying the torch. It's still there, adjacent to the Pantex property.
There's plenty of presence on the web regarding The Peace Farm. Their website is still being updated with information. In fact, the first post I saw was dated in January of 2022.
That's pretty recent.
They also have a Facebook page that is still getting updates. The most recent post on their page was earlier this week.
It's Not Quite The "Hippie Commune" That I Was Told About
It's really interesting to compare what you hear about The Peace Farm, and then what you find out about The Peace Farm. I've had people refer to it as "that hippie commune out near Pantex," and honestly that perception doesn't hold up.
Especially now.
It isn't exactly the type of place you run away to so you can live off grid. There aren't a lot of drum circles going on. I've had a hard time finding any photos of young vegans trying their hand at living a Rastafarian lifestyle.
What I have found is a group that came up with an interesting way to bring attention to the potentially devastating effects of nuclear waste, fallout, and weapons of mass destruction. Even if its only on a single acre of land, The Peace Farm still stands and is doing what it was intended to do.
If you're thinking about moseying on out to take a gander, it's on HWY 60. If you know where Pantex is, you should be able to spot The Peace Farm.
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