One Panhandle Town Has Cancelled This Weekend’s Fireworks Show
The reason why the city of Pampa has canceled their fireworks show isn't the obvious one. It's actually all based on technicalities and red tape.
According to a post on social media, the city of Pampa hires a third party to come in and do their fireworks show. Unfortunately that company isn't able to send out a pyrotechnic engineer due to a medical emergency.
This is where it gets tricky, and I learned a little bit about what it takes to put on a fireworks show.
In the social media post, the city of Pampa states that the company that has been hired to do the show has to file for a permit from the state. Unfortunately, with the timing of everything, they aren't going to be able to get a new permit in time.
I always just assumed cities just bought massive fireworks from a "big giant fireworks" retailer and put on a show, usually with an assist from the local fire department. I was blissfully unaware of the red tape involved in putting on a fireworks show.
The city of Pampa did mention in their social media post regarding the matter that they and the company they hired are going to be putting on a bigger, better show next year.
Hopefully all of the rain and storms we're expecting this weekend will hold off so that we don't see more of this happening. I know that a lot of places have put a lot of time and effort into their firework shows this year, seeing as how we didn't get much of one last year.
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