College exams are stressful enough without having to worry about how you’re dressed when you leave the house. But Rachel Vermillion, a senior at Brigham Young University-Idaho, learned that attire matters — when she showed up to take an exam, a testing center employee turned her away, claiming her pants were too tight.

The Mormon school does have a dress code dictating a ban on “form-fitting clothing,” but with the rising popularity of leggings and skinny jeans, the Latter Day Saints have begun to focus on how those dress code boundaries are enforced and who bears the brunt of the enforcement.

Vermillion told Scroll, the student newspaper, “It was really frustrating because there were skinny girls who were wearing tight pants who were getting admitted, but I’m curvy so my regular-fitting pants were a little bit tighter on me and he wouldn’t let me in. It was offensive and humiliating.”

The controversy then became twofold — was Vermillion punished for her clothes, or her size?

On Wednesday morning, BYU-Idaho issued a statement on its Facebook page that said in part, “BYU-Idaho’s longstanding dress & grooming standards promote principles of modesty and restrict formfitting clothing, but skinny jeans are not singled out or prohibited. In addition, the Testing Center issue reported in Scroll has been corrected and is no longer in force.”

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