Toni? Tone? Tony! Meet The DJ For Newstalk 940AM, Tony Hernandez
Born and raised in the Amarillo area, recently graduated from Holy Cross Catholic Academy, a current college student, and a brand new member of the Townsquare Media Station Crew I am happy to introduce myself and let you in on who I am, what I do, and where I'm going. (Frankly, I'm not still not entirely clued in on this as well.)
Being raised by two separate sides of my family, both my mom, dad, and stepparents have given me the world, more than enough siblings, and lessons that continue to teach me about what is important in life; family, faith, and love. (Obvious, but still essential nonetheless.)
Taking a step down on my priority list and diving more into my interests and hobbies, I can best describe myself as a jack of all trades. Chances are if you ask me about any topic I may know a thing or two about it and if not, chances are that I will be more than curious to learn more about it. The range of my hobbies and interests is only limited by the time and thought that I can spare. Some of them include but are not excluded to: boxing, writing, reading, swimming, biking, classic cars, film, photography, and most important to me, music.
Music is the bread and butter of my life. I love everything about it, from its production to the writing process, the theory behind it, and even parts of legal and business aspects that are an inevitable part of it. I aspire to further advance my career within the music industry in one way or another. Regardless of whether I am working over the radio, promoting, marketing, or creating I would love to take part in the business of sound.
Regardless of what path I choose to take in the future, the first step starts here with you, Amarillo. You will be hearing more from me in one way or another in the future, but for now I thank you for your time and attention.
Stay Gold Amarillo