It's not very often that a restaurant in Amarillo closes down and we find out about it long after it happened. To be fair, we are not even sure when it closed down. We took a drive by the location just to make sure they were closed.

The saga started back a few years ago with Mochinut on Washington. They came in and started a lot of hype. There were lines outside the store waiting for them to open. Then less than a year later they were up for sale because the owner was moving out of Amarillo.

They did find a buyer and that started the Tasty Hot Dog era. They took the donuts off of the menu and focused strictly on the Korean style hot dogs, which were good I will say. The sale happened earlier in 2024.

I would go by there a few times for DoorDash deliveries and they never really seemed busy. So I knew that was not a good sign at all. Would they make it? The answer is no. I never really saw them post anything about the closing.

Even driving by the location there is no closed sign. They just have the doors locked and the lights off. The Google listing for them is proof that they are closed as well as their social media pages being gone.

Google Maps
Google Maps

So as 2024 came and went so did Tasty Hot Dog. It was all a whirlwind of Mochinut coming in and leaving and the quickness of Tasty Hot Dog taking over and closing. This year left us with a lot of closed restaurants and it is a shame.

Closed Restaurants of Amarillo 2024

An up-to-date list of restaurants we lost in Amarillo this year.

Gallery Credit: Melissa Bartlett/TSM