I shouldn't be surprised. We have ghost stories and legends of spooky stuff all over the Texas panhandle. If a movie theater in the middle of nowhere can have a voodoo curse put on it, it shouldn't be surprising that Palo Duro Canyon would also have to deal with its own hauntings.

Here are some of the ghost stories coming out of Palo Duro Canyon.

Palo Duro Canyon is one of my all time favorite places. I love spending time in the canyon. There's a lot to explore. It's gorgeous. If you plan your trip right, you can go down into the canyon, and not be bothered by another human being for the entirety of the day.

That could be different when it comes to ghosts.

Of course, you'll need to be in Palo Duro Canyon at night if you're wanting to try and experience the supernatural for yourself. Also, I wouldn't get my hopes up. The information isn't very convincing.

Let's take a look at Lighthouse Trail, for instance. Supposedly, this trail is haunted by the spirit of a beautiful woman. Legend has it that this ghost has been seen by campers and hikers in the canyon.

What does the beautiful woman of Lighthouse Trail do? I'm not sure. No one has really gone into details. At the moment, she does what all contestants on America's Next Top Model do; just kinda stand there and hang out.

Not exactly scary.

There's another story about a ghost herd which seems eerily reminiscent of a legend you'll hear about in the Texas panhandle. That one inspired the classic tune "Ghost Riders In The Sky."

The one for Palo Duro Canyon starts off with a woman camping in the canyon. When all of a sudden, what should she hear but a whole herd of wild mustangs heading right for her camp.

Except they didn't. All that happened was she heard some stuff and then called it a night. The next day, when she asked those she was camping with if they had heard anything, of course they said no.

This story I'm taking with a grain of salt. Nothing against women who write books that have hairless muscle-bound men on the cover, but I don't know just how serious I can take your story when you parlay it into a pitch for me to buy your western romance novel.

Still, who's to say it didn't happen. At this point it's her word against mine, and I'll let you decide whose side your on.

The Derelict Beauty of Amarillo's Abandoned Buildings

What is it about abandoned buildings tempts our imagination? Perhaps it's the fact that all of these places were once alive at one point of time. All of these buildings were once a part of everyday life.

But as they are now, they are empty and barren. All we have left of these abandoned properties in Amarillo are memories left to the echoes of time.

Gallery Credit: Sarah Clark

Check Out These Photos Of Ghost Towns On The High Plains

Ghost towns dot the landscape of the Texas panhandle, Western Oklahoma, and the Oklahoma panhandle. The best part? They're all within driving distance. Go take a look for yourself.

Gallery Credit: Charlie Hardin

Ranchotel: The Forgotten Landmark of Old Route 66 in Amarillo, Texas

The Ranchotel, located at 2501 W. 6th St., is a product of Route 66's heyday.

When Americans first began long-distance automotive travel, they typically stayed in hotels or camped beside the road. In response, clever entrepreneurs began to build what were called tourist courts. The Ranchotel is one of these.

It was built in 1940 and until recently, it was considered one of the best preserved examples of Route 66's tourist facilities. It was placed in the National Register of Historic Places in 1995 and was well maintained until 2020.

Even now, in spite of the building's fading beauty, there is still the nostalgic air held by many a historic landmark.

Gallery Credit: Sarah Clark