It’s Illegal To Do This at a Stoplight in Amarillo
I'm guilty of it. Pretty much everyone else has been or is guilty of it. Heck, you might be guilty of it right now as you're reading this.
Technically, it is illegal for you to use your phone when you're stopped at a red light in Texas.
You're Not Alone If You Thought It was Okay
It's a frequently asked question. It makes sense. You're not actively driving. You're waiting your turn to go.
What could sending a text message hurt?
According to the state of Texas, a lot. Even when you're stopped at a light or sign, you're technically still operating a motor vehicle, according to the state. That means no texting; no distracted driving.
Here are a couple of places where you see the info for yourself.
"Well I heard the rules change city to city. You can do it in Amarillo."
No you can't...well, technically you can but then you run the risk of getting a fine or causing an accident. Here's the link in case you want to see it in black and white for yourself.
In Amarillo, you can get back to texting once you're legally parked. They make a point of stating that doesn't include being stopped at a red light or stop sign.
Texting And Driving Is A Big Problem In Texas
Last year I had to take the Texas driving test. Both the written and the driving test.
Long story.
Part of that was watching the videos that many of us are familiar with. Instead of watching "Red Pavement" style videos about drinking and driving, every video was about texting and driving.
What is allowed, and is encouraged, is hands-free options. Most modern vehicles have the ability to connect to your phone. If you have the capability, use it.