You had to see it coming. With protests and with the state doing its best to reopen, we've seen a surge of new cases of Covid-19 in the state of Texas. In fact, we're back on the leader board.

Governor Abbott's tone has changed this week regarding Covid-19. We were winning a week ago. This week Abbott is not only suggesting we all wear masks and keep our distance in public, but he's back to recommending we stay home.

We set records this week, and in Abbott's words (not mine), "Hospitalization is at an all time high."

Pretty simple. Stay home if you can, keep your distance, and wear a mask.

Of all the things people could be angry about, the mask is the one that confuses me the most.

I think Bill Burr had the best response when it came to questions about wearing a mask. Heads up, explicit language.

Many stores across the state require a mask. I had to have one just to buy a harmonica.

I also had to wear one the entire time I was at the hospital with my wife when our son was born.

I went to my son's first doctor's appointment today. Guess what. I had to wear a mask before I could even enter the building, and they were also limiting the number of people who could be in the room with my son and I.

If you don't have a mask, or an idea of where to get one, check out our list of people who are making masks.

I get the angst over being stuck at home. I get the angst over not being able to work because some "suit" said you're "non-essential."

What I don't get is the anger over being asked to wear a mask. Maybe I'm slow. Maybe I'm deficient. Maybe I'm ignorant.

Or, and this could be a long shot, maybe you should suck it up and just wear a mask if you're asked to.

Charlie Hardin
Charlie Hardin


How to Sew a Face Mask

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