Erwin Pawn Trade-A-Thon Misses Super Bowl Prediction
A Super Saturday of buying, selling, and trading, is behind us.
It's the show that invites you to call in and list for sale the items you own but no longer want to. If you can't throw it away at least you can sell it on the radio.
We do it every Saturday from 9-noon and we've always got a place for you.
We ask our callers a poll question before they give their listing. It provides a running theme that ties our calls together. It also allows us to discuss whatever is the topic of the weekend.
Being Super Bowl weekend meant it was the topic on most people's minds. Those that didn't care might have been looking forward to the Puppy Bowl on Animal Planet. We were curious which you were anticipating more.
Super Bowl 51 or Puppy Bowl 13?
Super Bowl 51 20
Puppy Bowl 13 11
We also asked those watching the Super Bowl who they had winning it.
New England 8
Atlanta 12
Giving us a predicted score of 34-23 Atlanta, which we missed...again.
We bring you five official rules of the program at the beginning of each hour. I also bring you a special Rule #6. Sometimes inspired by something that happened to me over the previous week or something I heard or said, this week it was inspired by a Seinfeld episode. I was thinking about all the chips and dip consumed at Super Bowl parties and the mistake some party goers make.
Rule #6: Don't double dip your chip.
See you this Saturday for another Erwin Pawn Trade-A-Thon!