It was want ads on the radio once again on News Talk 940.

It’s The Erwin Pawn Trade-A-Thon and it’s your opportunity to list for sale the stuff you no longer need but still has value.  We do it Saturday’s from nine-noon.


We ask all our callers a poll question before they give their listing.  It both helps us learn a little about the caller and provides a theme that ties together all our calls.

In the news Saturday morning was a story about disparaging things about President Trump being spray painted on hay bales at Cadillac Ranch.  It got us to wondering if you had ever spray painted the caddy’s out at the ranch.

Have you ever spray painted Cadillac Ranch?

Yes 4

No 35

Among Trade-A-Thon callers, spray painting Cadillac Ranch IS NOT quite the badge of honor I believed it was.  And no, I’ve never been out there, much less done any spray painting.


We go over the rules of the program at the beginning of each hour.  Along with the five regular rules of conduct, I always bring you a special Rule #6.  It changes every week and is usually inspired by something that has happened to me.

Many years ago while working on a Rock and Roll station in the overnight hours, I locked myself out.  It took me over an hour to get back in, during which time the police were called.  Thankfully I managed to get back into the station before any dead air but since the authorities were present I decided to tell my boss the following Monday.  It was a good thing I did because he knew the cop and heard about it again after I told him.  It has made for a good rule that I have lived by ever since.

Rule #6: Be the first to tell your boss.

See you next Saturday for another Erwin Pawn Trade-A-Thon!

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