City of Amarillo Launches “Every Drop Counts” Poster Contest
Water conservation has been a thing for...well, as long as I can remember now, and the City of Amarillo is making sure they that awareness of it is still in the forefront. The "Every Drop Counts" poster contest is now underway, and there are some really cool prizes for the kids!
If you're not in school, this contest isn't for you unfortunately. The contest is open to students ranging from grades kindergarten through 12th. Your poster must depict water conservation in some form or fashion in order to be considered for the contest and is due by May 20th at Noon.
Now, for what everyone has been waiting to find out...the prizes. There are some really good ones in here for you up and coming artists! The grand prize winner will get hooked up all the way with 5 passes to Wonderland as well as a brand new Kindle Fire HD 10 tablet. There will also be some other prizes handed out including like passes to Discovery Center and some AMP'd Adventure Park passes.
There will be 13 winners in total for the contest, and their work will be featured in the 2022 "Every Drop Counts" calendar, so your work can be seen by everyone and immortalized forever. They'll also get special recognition from the mayor of Amarillo at a city council meeting on May 25th!
So come on kids, dust off that box of art supplies, get yourself a stack of paper and start drawing and painting! I can't wait to see what YOU think water conservation looks like!