Some Texas Tech fans in Lubbock have taken a note from Philadelphia Eagles fans. This is definitely not how to strive for honor.

After the Eagles won the Super Bowl, fans took to the streets in Philadelphia to "celebrate" by destroying property. Sadly, the same thing happened in Lubbock Saturday night.

It's too early to say how much damage was done by fans celebrating Texas Tech's historic Final Four win in Minneapolis, but one video posted to The Daily Toreador's Twitter account showed a car being flipped on Broadway Street.

Here's another angle of the car being flipped:

And another:

Max Hengst, sports editor at The Daily Toreador, also posted video of Texas Tech fans burning a couch in the street not far from where the car was flipped.

Thankfully, the wide majority of Texas Tech fans refrained from burning stuff or destroying cars to celebrate the win. The Saddle Tramps rang the Victory Bells for a couple hours straight. Fireworks could be heard throughout the city. And many just hugged it out with friends and family in bars or their living rooms.

It's unknown how bad Lubbock will get if Texas Tech beats Virginia in the NCAA Tournament Championship Game Monday night, but KFYO News radio show host Chad Hasty is making a prediction.

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