Amarillo City Council Released Guidelines For Renaming Streets And Parks
Realizing your dream of having an Amarillo street named after you has gotten a little more complicated.
At the city council meeting last night final approval was given for the guidelines of honoring people of prominence with the renaming of a street, public park, or facility.
If you or the group you are with wish to rename something to honor someone several guidelines must be met before the change is considered.
First, 51% of the abutting property owners have to approve of the change. A two year waiting period after the death of the person being honored must be observed. A public hearing must be held prior to making the change. And perhaps most importantly the person must have made a significant impact for Amarillo. Certain streets and facilities are off limits. For example, already historically named streets, like Washington or Crockett won’t be eligible for change.
Debra McCartt Boulevard, anyone?